a Novel Modality in Prostate Cancer
Potentially allowing 2X detection rate
and 2X cancer-grading accuracy
Characterizing and locating prostate cancer in real-time
using the most accurate prostate cancer biomarker - during biopsy

Display & Guide < 30 sec
- Sample malignancy image
- Malignant volume
- Metabolic/other tissue data
- Statistical certainty of above
- Where to take next sample
ProSight Biopsy Report Immediate
Histo-pathology Report Days/weeks
Support Clinicians
Tailored Clinical Decisions
Impact on Biopsies
Systematic Biopsy (US-based)
● Randomness
● False negative
● Repeat biopsies
MRI-Guided Biopsy
● Sampling & grading issues
● False positive
● Benign overlap
Impact on Clinicians and Patients
- Certainty in doubtful cases tailored treatment
- More active surveillance less overtreatment
- More candidates for Focal Therapy
- Better decision support in Lymph Node removal
- Better tailored Hormone Therapy
- Tailoring time intervals between biopsies
- Earlier detection than any other method
Prof. Niel Rofsky - Former Chairman, Department of Radiology
Prof. Bob Lenkinski - Former Vice Chairman of Research, Radiology, CPRIT Scholar and Cancer Research
Experts, pioneers and inventors in the MRI field for Prostate Cancer;
Both from South-Western MC, Dalas, Texas
In a nutshell
“Prosight led to a crucial broader understanding of the strength and fidelity of markers and physiological elements in PCa”, ...Showing simultaneous determination “of both epithelial content and Zn depletion in the samples during biopsy”, leading “to very high pre-diagnostic accuracy...”
Prof. Mark Emberton - OBE MD FRCS (Urol) FMedSci Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences
In a nutshell
“Prosight may well have an important place in the risk-stratification of prostate cancer... it is the linkage between the zinc depletion and glandular proliferation that is novel...” Can “...assist in sampling the correct region of the prostate...” Leading “... to more representative tissue being harvested... compliments and adds value to ...multi-parametric MRI.”
Prosight article on the Clinical Study at Sourasky MC, Ichilov
WIS article on cancer grading potential of prostatic Zinc
Article on the WIS early clinical study at Sheba MC
Clinical Study - Learning Set: 600 patients @ Sheba MC
Clinical Study - POC Set: 20 patients @ Sourasky MC
POC with XRF Prototype of Bruker GmbH
Peer-Reviewed Article Published
LOI with MRI-Guided Biopsy player - (UI & clinical study)
PLANS - Following Round A
Complete Product Development
and FDA 510(k) Submission
12 months
Launch 1st Release
18 months
Clinical Studies for Market Adoption
and Start-of-Sales
24 months

Avi Simon
CEO, Co-Founder

Dr. Meir Weksler
CTO, Co-Founder

Dr. Einat Zisman
Business Development

Prof. Ilan Leibovitch

Prof. Robert Lenkinski
MRI expert - PCa

Dr. Hagar Landsman
Scientist - Data Mng.

John Smith, M.D., J.D.
Regulatory Counsel, H.L.

Prof. Amos Breskin
Scientific Advisor

Dr. Eddie Friedman
Medical Advisor